And for his farewell: Take that, Howard Stern
Poor Howard Stern -- what’s he going to rail against now that it’s bye-bye-ah Sanjaya?
At least the longshot “American Idol” wannabe Sanjaya Malakar went out Wednesday night with flair, flair, flair, tweaking a line in his teary-eyed farewell version of “Something to Talk About” as a parting shot to Stern and the rest of the Sanjaya-naysayers, crooning that they’ll now have “something to talk about, besides hair, hair, hair.”
What he lacked in vocal acuity (plenty) in this alleged singing competition, Sanjaya Malakar more than made up for in rock-star attitude, something any “Idol” winner ought to have in buckets. (Are you listening, Melinda?)
Most commendably, Malakar never for a moment looked as though he ever took any of the “Idol”-minting process remotely seriously.
Check that out, dogg.