
Fast, funny and yet fruitful?

I really enjoy the Drive-By Dining fast-food column by Dog Davis. We’re all exposed to the hype and can find ourselves suckered into trying these goofy concoctions [“Try One, It’s Fresh From the Frankenfoods Lab,” May 31].

My favorite line about Diet Coke Plus: “How messed up are you if you think you’re drinking a caffeinated, artificially sweetened, flavored soda for its nutritional value” -- I was on the floor when reading that.

By the way, I start my Calendar Weekend by reading from the back page forward. My Favorite Weekend often gives me ideas for places to go or dine I haven’t thought of in ages, and I wouldn’t miss S. Irene Virbila’s restaurant notebooks.

Now if you could only get that TV Times back....


Studio City


Not meant as a rhetorical question: If you’re going to do a piece on crazy drive-in junk foods, doesn’t the bare minimum of journalism require you to include the number of calories for these delicacies?



Santa Monica
