
Itsy-bitsy spiders crawled inside the little boy’s ear

From the Associated Press

These invaders might seem to fit somewhere between Spider-Man and Snap, Crackle and Pop, but they’re real.

What began as a faint popping in a 9-year-old boy’s ear that he said sounded “like Rice Krispies” ended up as an earache, and the doctor’s diagnosis was that a pair of spiders had made a home in the ear.

“They were walking on my eardrums,” Jesse Courtney said.

Dr. David Irvine said he flushed the boy’s left ear canal and a dead spider came out.

The boy’s mother, Diane Courtney, said her son insisted he still heard a faint popping.

After a second dousing, the second spider emerged -- alive. Both were about the size of a pencil eraser.


Jesse was given the spiders -- now both dead -- as a souvenir.
