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Chris Dufrense’s statement that “the Trojans were not as good as advertised” is right on. In all of my 60 years reading the Sports section of the Los Angeles Times, I don’t recall another time that the Times’ columnists and reporters “advertised” a team before the season as much as they did the 2007 Trojans.

Martin A. Brower

Corona del Mar


O is for the offense that makes you groan,

R is for the running game that ain’t there,

D is for the defense that can’t do it alone,

I is for interceptions no longer rare,

N is for no BCS this season

A is for another loss or two

R is for regressing for no good reason

Y is for yardage that’s overdue.

Put them all together they spell ordinary, which is what USC football has become.

Dick Van Kirk



Mr. Simers, if it is your personal goal to become the Howard Stern of the sports world, then congrats, I think you made it.

Your Sunday article stinks and completely misses the mark on all the USC fans I know.

Educated fans don’t need shock journalism for facts, or for entertainment.

Patrick Ayres

Costa Mesa
