
How Dry Are You?

With holiday parties fast approaching, better brace yourself for the onslaught of liquor. Avoid one too many embarrassingly drunken outbursts with the new wave of luxe, nonalcoholic potables.


Dry Soda

Artificially colored kiddie sodas they’re not. The chic beverages boast creative flavors such as lavender, lemongrass and rhubarb. They’re even meant to be paired with foods, much like wine (for example, kumquat = white fish).


Vignette Wine Country Soda

For Pinot without the pain of hangovers, try beautifully bottled Vignette sodas, made with wine grapes from California vineyards. A Chardonnay also is available.



Cabernet de Bordeaux

Imported from France, the deep-burgundy libations are actually organic juices pressed from wine grapes. Take your pick from either Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot. Added bonus: They have one-third fewer calories than red wine.
