
Stay in touch

Re “Bursting Obama’s BlackBerry bubble,” Opinion, Dec. 13

I couldn’t disagree more with Eric Weiner’s Op-Ed article.

It’s not about whether Barack Obama has his BlackBerry on his belt; it’s about Obama staying in touch.

My fear for Obama is that he loses touch -- that he falls prey to pitfalls of previous administrations and governments, here in the U.S. and around the world. Let Obama do what he does best, which is knowing the wants, needs and devil-in-the-details of the people he represents. If a BlackBerry is a tool to help facilitate that knowledge, then please, let him keep it

The last thing we need is another out-of-touch administration. Relying solely on aides is old school and dangerous. By the time my 13-year-old reaches her age of majority, there will be no tolerance for a president who can’t check his e-mail. A new generation is coming. Thankfully, Obama knows it too.


Hannah J. Galloway

Santa Monica
