
Hurt by strike

Thank you for “Portrait From the Strike: Left Out to Dry by a Trickle-Down Effect” [Paul Brownfield, Feb. 1]. I am a relief worker for entertainment industry workers, from hairdressers to boom operators, and I can tell you that these are the people who need to be highlighted in the press. From Santa Clarita to Santa Ana, thousands of families are in trouble as the third month sans paycheck rolls around. Savings are used up and mortgage payments still come due. In addition, the emotional stress of having a family member out of work for such a long time wreaks havoc on relationships.

I am not on the side of Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers or the Writers Guild of America. I am on the side of getting back to work. I don’t know why more politicians aren’t screaming about the toll this is taking on California’s economy.

Tracy Greene Mintz

Redondo Beach
