
MOCA adds Kruger to board

Continuing an unusual tradition of including artists in its governance, L.A.’s Museum of Contemporary Art has elected conceptualist Barbara Kruger to its board of trustees.

Kruger, a professor at UCLA, will join artists John Baldessari and Edward Ruscha, appointed a few years ago, and three other new members: Christopher V. Walker, a financial executive who founded Meridian Pacific Capital Partners and recently ended a 10-year tenure on the board at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Charles S. Cohen, a real estate developer; and Maurice Marciano, a fashion designer and co-founder of Guess Inc.

MOCA also has announced the acquisition of 130 artworks purchased, donated or promised in 2007. Among major additions to the museum’s collection are Mike Kelley’s “Two and Three Dimensions,” a 1994 installation, and Oyvind Fahlstrom’s “Africa Banner,” a 1966 mixed-media, map-like wall piece.


-- Suzanne Muchnic
