

An inmate who walked away from a Pomona social services center with her newborn while attending a mandated parenting program was found Monday in downtown Los Angeles, authorities said.

Daphne Delorah Miner, 35, and her son, who is less than two weeks old, were found about 9:45 a.m. at a motel, according to a Pomona Police Department statement.

Officers were tipped off to Miner’s whereabouts after someone recognized her from news photos and called the Los Angeles Police Department.


Miner, who is serving a state prison sentence, was enrolled in a parenting program at Prototypes Women’s Center, a nonprofit agency that provides programs for more than 15,000 Southern California women and their families each year, according to its website.

Miner, who does not have parental rights to her child, was taken into custody and her son was turned over to the Department of Children and Family Services.

-- Christine Hanley and Corina Knoll
