
Legendary ‘Chun-Li’; get Kinky

Do you want to talk about: “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li”?

Or do you just want to play the new Street Fighter IV video game? It would be cool to see the origins of power-kicker Chun-Li -- the best character to be, hands down -- but someone needs to explain why Ryu and Ken do not appear in the film. No live-action tiger uppercut? Really? It just might be worth $10 to see why not. (Friday)


I admit I’m talking about: “The Bachelor”

Maybe something about Jason Mesnick being a single dad has done a number on my heartstrings, even as he searches for love on reality TV. (There’s something that will traumatize little Ty for years.) Even worse, the show decided to bring back DeAnna Pappas, the former “Bachelorette” who fans remember broke Mesnick’s heart when he was competing for her hand just months ago. So wrong, yet so right for TV. (Monday)


Tell your friends to talk about: “Summer Heights High”

The Australian series, which just ended its Season 1 run on HBO, is dumb fun, a mockumentary set in high school where versatile comic Chris Lilley plays three clueless types: a flamboyant drama teacher, a snobby rich girl and a white kid who thinks he’s street. Eight episodes on DVD, one do-nothing afternoon filled. (Tuesday)



You will be talking about: “Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience”

No, that’s not a threat. And sure, they darn near ruined “Superstition” at the Grammys -- Stevie’s partly to blame for allowing it -- but there’s got to be a reason this trio has been cast in wax. (Twice!) So go ahead and line up at El Capitan. Hardly anyone will be pointing fingers. (Friday through March 12)


... unless you’re talking about: Kinky.

The Mexican dance-rock band is coming to the Henry Fonda Theater in an otherwise lackluster week for smart things. Do yourself a favor and go get your groove on. (Tuesday)

-- Denise Martin
