
Derek and the dominoes

The question is not whether Kobe can win a championship without Shaq, but whether he can win one without Derek Fisher.

Rick Brown, Los Angeles


Derek Fisher deserves his own Nike puppet.

Carrie Tetzlaff, Eden Prairie, Minn.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again -- Derek Fisher is the Kirk Gibson of basketball.

Tarik Trad, Glendale


Move over, Big Shot Rob, and say hello to D-Swish.

Jason Mathis, Camarillo

I hope not lost in the fanfare Derek Fisher has received for his Game 4 heroics is that Dwight “Superman” Howard could not make a free throw.


Here’s an example of an athlete pounding his chest to prove how great he is, showing off in dunk exhibitions, but when the game is really on the line, when his fans and teammates need him the most, when he wants to be mentioned in the same category as Kobe, LeBron and His Airness, he fails at what is arguably the most basic, fundamental aspect of basketball.

I hope it finally sinks into the minds of young Dwight Howard wannabes out there to listen to parents and coaches and practice free throws.

David Barnathan

West Hollywood


What a disgrace the ABC broadcasting team is in the NBA Finals. For someone who suffered through Dick Stockton and Tom Heinsohn in the 1980s it amazes me how brutally biased these three are. While Jeff Van Gundy may have an excuse, it’s embarrassing to hear Mike Breen screech like a little girl every time Orlando makes a big basket. Mark Jackson never adds anything new, anyway. I thought the media fawned over President Obama, but he gets the George W. treatment compared with the Magic.


Rick Van Kirk

