
34% in survey say credit card terms have changed

Nearly 34% of consumers said their credit card company had made changes to their card accounts, according to a survey commissioned by consumer education website

More than 1,000 adults were interviewed in a telephone poll conducted Feb. 20-22 by GfK Custom Research North America.

Of those, 15% saw an increase in their interest rate, and 11% noticed an increased minimum payment requirement. Rewards programs were reduced for 8%, while 9% reported their due dates had changed, 8% had their credit limits lowered, and 7% said their accounts were now closed. The answers total more than 34% because some respondents saw more than one change.


The survey had a margin of error of 3 percentage points, said. Respondents were not asked to consider a specific time frame when forming their answers.

-- Tiffany Hsu
