
The meaning of power

Re “White House czar inflation stirs concern,” March 5

Where are the people who condemned King George the 43rd for his abuses of power now that Emperor Obama is grabbing power at an obscene rate? Where are the people who condemned King George the 43rd for his then-record budget deficits now that Emperor Obama is writing multitrillion-dollar budgets?

Are we still running this country with an infantile, “my team good, your team bad” mentality?

John Reynolds

Canoga Park


Oh dear, the president may be getting too much power. Did anyone read of the recently released memos detailing the Bush administration’s plans to derail our Bill of Rights? And those are not examples of a president with too much power?


At least President Obama’s “czars” are publicly known and are established to regulate the corrupt and incompetent industries that led us to this mess.

Kris Sullivan

Los Angeles
