
Looking for a way to go in O.C.

Re “O.C.’s road test,” Opinion, March 10

Bobby Shriver’s and Joel Reynolds’ article regurgitates deceits from an anti-road, pro-gridlock campaign. But it had one thing right: Orange County’s traffic needs fixing.

The Transportation Corridor Agencies and planning and transportation agencies work together to keep people in motion using all modes of transportation. The 241 toll road wasn’t just dreamed up. It was placed on the county’s master plan in 1981 -- before the TCA existed. Local, state and federal agencies collaborated for six years and assessed 38 options before arriving at a route that balanced all issues.

Now we have to step back. We are meeting with elected officials, environmental organizations, residents and commuters in another effort to find common ground. Southern California doesn’t have the luxury of inaction. We must find solutions for our traffic problems.


Jerry Amante


The writer is chairman of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, vice chairman of the Orange County Transportation Authority and mayor pro tem of Tustin.


“Fix the 5 First” may have been a rallying cry for the widening of Interstate 5 for the writers, but for those of us who call this place home, the last thing we want is to have our homes, businesses and churches taken out.

The worst part is that even if the 5 is fixed, it’s still the only way out of San Clemente. If an emergency shuts the freeway down, citizens are stuck. We need to create an alternative route by connecting the 241 toll road to Interstate 5.


Nancy Hunt

San Clemente
