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Susan King’s article regarding the Great Depression, movies and remakes was enlightening [“Hey Brother Can You Spare a Remake?” March 15].

The title was probably tied to the 1932 E.Y. Harburg and Jay Gorney song “Brother Can You Spare a Dime?” Some of the lines in the song, even though the composer’s thoughts go back 77 years, can still relate to the current depressed economy and forlorn mood.

One such line relating to building a railroad and making it run might relate to the current problems with Metrolink. The line relating to being in khaki suits and slogging through hell could be compared to our soldiers in the Middle East.


Despite the good movies that came out of the Depression era,the bulk of the people would probably opt for mediocre movies with a sane economy.

My favorite movie in the ‘30s was by far “The Wizard of Oz.” I am of the opinion that no one today could do that movie except for the original cast, who unfortunately are all long gone. The moral of this is that some things are better left in the original form with no updating or enhancements no matter what the economic situation is.

Bill Spilalnick

Newport Beach
