
Michael Jackson’s father seeks allowance from singer’s estate

Michael Jackson’s father wants the late singer’s estate to help him cover living expenses that exceed $20,000 a month, according to court papers filed Friday.

The estate is already paying Jackson’s mother a monthly allowance of $26,000 and an attorney for Joe Jackson, 81, wrote in the Los Angeles County Superior Court filing that the family patriarch was entitled to the “same manner” of support. In the papers, his lawyer wrote that Michael Jackson had footed his father’s bills for decades.

“He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support,” attorney Brian Oxman wrote.


He said in an interview that the amount the singer paid to his parents when he was alive far exceeded what Katherine Jackson is currently getting.

“She’s receiving significantly less. . . . When Michael passed away, the money stopped,” Oxman said.

In the filing, the lawyer charged that it was “improper” for the temporary administrators of the estate not to have sought an allowance for Jackson’s father when they secured court approval of Katherine Jackson’s allowance.


A lawyer for estate administrators John Branca and John McClain said they were aware of Joe Jackson’s petition for money.

“It was quite surprising to learn of the request. Mr. Jackson’s petition will be considered as are all requests for money from Michael’s estate,” lawyer Howard Weitzman said in a statement.

The singer, who died June 25, was close to his mother but had a rocky relationship with his father, whom he accused of hitting him and his brothers as children.


Michael Jackson named his mother as guardian of his three children and a beneficiary of a family trust set up by his will but left nothing to his father, who lives in a Las Vegas rental property far from the family’s Encino compound.

The filing does not specify the amount Joe Jackson seeks, but a monthly budget included in the court papers lists more than $15,000 in expenses, including $1,500 for rent, $2,500 for eating out and $5,000 for hotels and air travel.

A judge denied Joe Jackson’s request for an immediate hearing on the matter.

