
Gaypon offers coupon deals from gay-friendly companies

Put gay and Groupon together and what do you get?

Gaypon, of course. It’s one of the many online coupon companies trying to attract a niche audience.

Gaypon, which launched last year in the Detroit area and is seeking to add more national and regional deals, basically operates in the manner of Groupon -- it offers pre-bought, limited-time deals on various goods and services.

But the company only sells coupons from entrepreneurs and firms known to be gay/lesbian-friendly.


Currently, the site is offering a deal at the Hotel Lagunita in Yelapa, Mexico, a remote village south of Puerto Vallarta that’s accessible mostly by boat. The area is described on Gaypon as being “super gay friendly!!!”

You wouldn’t know that from Hotel Lagunita’s own site, which makes no mention of gays or lesbians and shows a picture of a romantic heterosexual couple kissing on horseback.

Nonetheless, the Gaypon deal gives customers (you do not need to be gay to get the deal) half-off the rate for a four-night stay.


Another recent deal: 50% off dips and mixes from former Midwest news anchor David Luke Custer, who calls his company Boy Gourmet.


Groupon shares up 31% in first day of trading.

Anti-Goupon and crowd-sourcing to the perfect dish.


Half of businesses won’t use daily deal services like Groupon in next six months.
