
Hail falls in Pasadena as cold spell grips Southland

A runner has a little help from gusty winds while exercising with a view of snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains.
A runner has a little help from gusty winds while exercising with a view of the San Gabriel Mountains, capped with snow courtesy of a series of storms to hit Southern California.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

Hail fell on Pasadena and other foothill communities Monday evening, carried by the winter storms that swept over much of Southern California, dusting mountaintops with snow and bringing traffic to a standstill on several passes.

A winter storm swept over much of Southern California, dusting mountaintops with snow and bringing traffic to a standstill on several passes.

The National Weather Service predicted that the area around Mt. Wilson could see up to half an inch of snow beginning Monday afternoon and continuing through the night. The NWS forecast temperatures ranging between 25 and 37 degrees in the area Monday, rising slightly Tuesday to a high of 41 and a low of 30.


In the wider Los Angeles area, expect winds, showers and possibly hail through Tuesday morning, the NWS said. The weather service warned of heavy rains Wednesday through Friday, potentially bringing enough water to flood roadways and cause debris flow or rockslides in areas recently scorched by wildfires.
