
How to serve caviar and what to sip with it

When you splurge on an ingredient like caviar, you want to make sure everything is perfect. And that means paying attention to the details.

Store your caviar on ice until the last minute before serving. Not only will this maintain the best quality, but it will taste the best very cold, especially when contrasted with a warm garnish accompanying it.

If at all possible, serve caviar with a non-metallic spoon or utensil, as the metal can interfere with the flavor of the caviar. Use mother of pearl spoons if possible, otherwise a composite or wooden utensil will be just fine.


It is perfectly acceptable to place a dolloped mound of caviar on your garnish, but to elevate your presentation to the next level, form a quenelle. To form a quenelle, you must select two small plastic spoons that are identical in size and shape and have a relatively pointy tip. Begin by using the side of the spoon to gently scoop enough caviar to fill the spoon halfway. Use the other spoon to come over the top and gently compress the caviar (without crushing it) while scooping it off of the first spoon. Repeat this scooping and compressing process a couple of times until the caviar resembles an elongated egg shape. You may feel clumsy at first, but the results will really take your presentation to the next level.

Last, wine pairing is relatively easy; you can rarely ever go wrong serving caviar with a crisp and elegant sparkling wine.
