SAFE RETURN: A woman, center, is met by relatives on her arrival in Milan, Italy. She had been in Sharm el Sheik at the time of the bombings, which killed at least one Italian and injured 13 others. (Giuseppe Cacace / AFP / Getty Images)
LAST LOOK BACK: Tourists leaving on a bus take in the damage to the Ghazala Gardens Hotel, where an explosives-filled car rammed into the reception hall and blew up. (Cris Bouroncle / AFP / Getty Images)
SURVEYING DAMAGE: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak visits a bombing site in Sharm el Sheik, where he has a villa. (Nasser Nouri / AP)
WHATS LEFT: Egyptian security officers stand in front of the heaviest-hit part of the Old Market in Sharm el Sheik. The Sinai Peninsula resort town has served as a showcase for Egypts Mideast peacekeeping efforts during innumerable international summits. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)