
For the record - Dec. 21, 2011

Watson supercomputer: In the Dec. 17 Business section, an article about an initiative to tap IBM’s Watson supercomputer for medical use said that it would help doctors at Cedars-Sinai’s Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute stay up to date on medical breakthroughs and treatments. In fact, the institute’s doctors will serve as advisers, lending expertise to help shape a Watson initiative by health insurer WellPoint Inc. In addition, the article identified Dr. William Audeh as head of the cancer center. He is the medical director.

Opera Posse: In the Dec. 8 Calendar section, an article about Opera Posse said that its predecessor, Intimate Opera, had filed for bankruptcy a few months ago. Intimate Opera is seeking to legally dissolve under California corporation laws.

DIY books: In the Dec. 17 Home section, a listing of do-it-yourself craft books said that “The Bust DIY Guide to Life: Making Your Way Through Every Day” featured an idea for a decoupage children’s chair. That children’s chair should have been attributed to “State of Craft,” a 2011 book edited by Victoria Woodcock and published by Cicada.
