
Woman who led officers on chase for more than 2 hours is arrested in San Diego County

California Highway Patrol officers arrested a woman who led authorities on a high-speed chase for more than two hours early Monday in a drive that started around Long Beach and ended in San Diego County.

Authorities began pursuing a red Saturn sedan just before 4:30 a.m. after the driver of the car failed to yield, KTLA-TV reported. The driver led authorities through side streets in Long Beach and then took the 405 Freeway eastbound, headed into Orange County.

The driver got onto the 5 Freeway and exited in Oceanside, continuing the chase on surface streets, according to KTLA.


Aerial news footage showed the vehicle being trailed by numerous patrol vehicles, speeding through intersections.

At one point, a patrol vehicle trying to stop the chase hit the Saturn, tearing off the back bumper. The suspect kept driving.

The driver eventually drove into a cul-de-sac in a residential neighborhood in northern San Diego County and tried to escape by driving across a lawn but became trapped by numerous CHP vehicles.


At 6:53 a.m., television news footage showed the woman’s car stopped and surrounded by officers. She exited the vehicle, wearing a pink shirt and shorts, after an officer busted in her passenger-side vehicle.

With her hands handcuffed behind her back, she was walked backward to a patrolman’s SUV and buckled into the front seat with no struggle.

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