
Cooler temperatures, lower humidity expected Sunday and Monday

Southern California residents who have suffered through days of hot and muggy weather conditions may soon get some relief.

A turn in airflow and slightly cooler temperatures and lower humidity may be just around the corner, said meteorologist Carol Smith of the National Weather Service station in Oxnard.

“Today we’re looking at mid-90s away from the coast ... tomorrow kind of edging down to the mid-80s,” she said. “It will still be kind of humid, but the trend is in the direction of drying as we get less moisture coming up in the area.”


In downtown Los Angeles, Saturday’s high was projected at 89 and is expected to drop to 82 on Sunday and 83 on Monday.

In Burbank, the high is expected to be 92 Saturday and fall to 86 on Sunday and 87 Monday.

And in Long Beach, 86 is the expected high for Saturday, dropping to 81 on Sunday and Monday.

But it’s the humidity, not just the heat, that can be unbearable, and Smith said that on Saturday the dew points were just as high as on Friday, “or even higher.”


“Not much in the way of relief today, but tomorrow and especially on Monday, the airflow is going to turn ... so kind of a drying trend Sunday into Monday,” she said.


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