
Letters: Too many options for customers?

Re “Cluing in AT&T to its own cellphone rules,” Jan. 24

David Lazarus mentioned the discrepancy in information provided by different AT&T service reps. That brought to mind my recent experience with the company.

I spoke with one service rep on the telephone and later chatted online with another one. Each quoted a different selection of long-distance plans and different charges for the same plans. The online rep told me that the telephone customer service people might offer different options than those online.

It seems that everyone (the company and customers) could be spared a lot of frustration if the offerings were the same regardless of where you look for them. The same might also apply to airlines and hotels, which have different prices and options available depending on whether you call or go online, or which website you use.


Reducing frustration would be an important step in improving customer satisfaction with companies like AT&T.

Perry Valantine

Costa Mesa


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