
Letters to the Editor: It’s time for decent Americans to stand up and say, ‘Enough!’

People stand in front of the USAID building holding a sign reading "Elon" with a line through it.
Protesters stand in front of the headquarters for United States Agency for International Development in Washington on Monday.
(Pete Kiehart / Washington Post / Getty Images)

To the editor: The honeymoon is over. It is time for all people who do not wish to see our country stripped of all of its protections for its citizens, the freedoms afforded each of us and its standing as a country of power and decency to shout from the rooftops: Enough! (“Can Elon Musk shut down a federal agency? Yes, if presidential rule replaces constitutional governance,” Feb. 4)

How in the world is Elon Musk allowed to infiltrate our treasury to satisfy his professional and personal gains? This is outrageous.

Our president’s dismantling of systems (imperfect, but likely the best in the world) follow Grover Norquist’s and the GOP’s long-held desire to reduce government “to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” Lovely, hey?


Our country’s path is one that is being decided by a criminal who has surrounded himself with greedy sycophants who care only for their personal profits and could not care less about the rest or our futures.

Dirk Blocker, Goleta


To the editor: The courts will not save us. Congress will not rescue us.

States can offer sanctuary and resources and ferocity and empathy. Each individual may wrest back consent to be governed by tyranny, to acquiesce to our own demise.

Every person informed by decency, now encased in anguish and revulsion and anger, is poised to act as soon as a salient opportunity beckons.


Be the opportunity — alt-government by compassion and democracy. It is time for bold and decisive measures.

Mia Marietta, Old Orchard Beach, Maine


To the editor: Ken Martin, the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, needs to get busy on Project 2029.

The far right was ready with many orders for the president to sign on his first day. It hit the ground running.


Look to the future, have a plan, get ready. If there is an election in 2028, I hope we will not have had four years of dithering.

Colleen Rooney, Sherman Oaks
