
Readers React:  What Obama gets for coddling the religious right

To the editor: What a surprise! Religious leaders are leaning on President Obama to exempt their faithful from an executive order prohibiting discrimination against gays and transgenders by government contractors. (“Obama should say no to a religion-based exemption on hiring discrimination,” Editorial, July 8)

This comes after Obama so often has unwisely coddled the religious right.

Most famously he approved an exemption — for certain business owners who profess faith-based objections to abortion — from the Affordable Care Act’s mandate to provide their employees with health insurance covering a full range of reproductive services. Later, his administration supported government-sanctioned public prayers in the pivotal Greece, N.Y., case.

So now Obama finds himself in a quandary over protecting gay and transgender rights from faith-based oppression. As one who professes to read the Bible, Obama should review the admonition of Galatians 6:7 that one reaps what he sows.


Kendra Strozyk, Cameron Park, Calif.
