
Opinion: ‘My legacy can’t be compromised’ — really, Rep. Conyers?

Rep. John Conyers Jr. is seen on April 4, 2017.
(Alex Brandon / AP)
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To the editor: Battered and besieged by sexual misconduct allegations, treated for a stress induced ailment, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) announced his resignation, effective immediately. “My legacy can’t be compromised or diminished in any way by what we’re going through now,” Conyers said. (“Rep. John Conyers, most senior member of House, resigns amid accusations of sexual harassment,” Dec. 5)

In what alternative universe does Conyers reside? Does Gary Hart ring a bell with him? Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, two of baseball’s greatest players ever, languish outside the Hall of Fame. Why? They carry a stench as perceived steroid cheats.

Conyers benefited from the Congress-created system, which effectively protected sexual predators who engaged in terrible behavior and foisted the payouts on unsuspecting taxpayers.


Mr. Conyers, we’ve heard enough from you.

Marc D. Greenwood, Camp Hill, Ala.


To the editor: Go no farther than the first sentence in this article to identify a big problem: Conyers is stepping down after 53 years in the House.

Fifty-three years!

This was not the intention of those who wrote the Constitution. When a person is in power in the government so long, corruption and acts of pure self-interest are the norm.


We need common-sense term limits, not lawmakers who are allowed to serve for life.

Brian Hilgers, Hermosa Beach

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