
Opinion: Hiring Holder to defend California: Don’t we already have an attorney general?

Eric H. Holder Jr. in Washington in 2015.
(Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press)
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To the editor: California needs to slow down. Donald Trump isn’t president yet, and our indebted Legislature goes and hires outside counsel in the form of former U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. to fight a battle that has not presented itself. (“California braces for a Trump presidency by tapping former U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder for legal counsel,” Jan. 4)

What do we have a state attorney general for? And why are we spending these monies on a legal issue that has not materialized? If there’s a problem, let our California attorney general take it on, and then if he needs more help, the state can pay outside counsel.

This looks to me to be totally political and, at the moment, a total waste of taxpayer money, something we can’t afford.


Dave Hennessy, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: Holder adding “firepower” to California’s coming confrontation with Trump over his likely assault on civil liberties, the environment and voting rights is like adding a water pistol or cap gun.

Hiring the guy who as attorney general couldn’t be bothered to criminally prosecute the fat cats responsible for the financial crisis is a waste of money.


Jim Freed, Santa Monica

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