
Opinion: Sanders says he supports Clinton, and so should everyone who voted for him

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To the editor: Thank you for running Bernie Sanders’ unequivocal, clear-headed encomium urging his supporters to follow his lead and vote for Clinton.(“I support Hillary Clinton. So should everyone who voted for me,” Opinion, Aug. 7)

If anyone still has doubts, or needs to refresh his/her memory about relevant recent history, please just Google Ralph Nader.

Sarah Tamor, Santa Monica



To the editor: As a recovering Bernite, I found Bernie Sanders’ apologia giving us reasons for voting for Hillary sad, desperate and fearful, because it was mostly a contrast between Hillary and the Madman. Where was the Political Revolution? He needs to brand it — call it “Believe” or “Yuge,” or something. A movement without a leader ain’t no movement at all.


Allen Levy, Culver City

To the editor: Unfortunately, Sanders’ opinion continues to pale as he continues to not matter. Anyone who sells a bill of goods with passion, only to fold like a cheap suit when they don’t “win,” loses all credibility no matter what party. It’s not about Trump versus Clinton, it’s about staying true when your number doesn’t come up. Does he really not know that? In life, if you don’t stand up (and remain standing) for something, you’ll fall for anything.


Hal West, Los Angeles

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