
Letters to the Editor: Why exactly do we let Iowa caucus-goers vote first?

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg speaks during a Nov. 26 campaign stop in Denison, Iowa.
(Scott Olson / Getty Images)

To the editor: With the exception of Iowans, who really cares what happens in the Iowa caucuses? I certainly don’t, and I hope the Democratic presidential candidates don’t either.

Iowa reflects very little if anything about the Democratic voting population, so committing a huge amount of resources to that state’s upcoming caucuses strikes me as nothing short of maniacal. The caucuses are low-turnout, time-consuming contrivances that mean absolutely nothing.

If chairman Tom Perez wants the Democratic Party to make a meaningful impact, he should draw up an entirely new schematic showing the order in which states hold their primaries after 2020. States that better reflect the overall makeup of Democratic voters should lead the pack.


If states like California, New York and Illinois held their primaries first, it would give the voters and the candidates an idea of what is really happening.

Muriel Schuerman, Downey


To the editor: I’m glad it’s not just me feeling confused about which candidate to support for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Should one vote with his head or his heart? My heart tells me to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), while my head leans toward Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind.


Warren would probably do the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. She won’t be afraid to go after the powerful interests, and she knows who and what are selling out the middle class.

Buttigieg seems to be the most intelligent and composed among the candidates. He understands that that Republicans have sold out to the highest bidder. He’s also a veteran and doesn’t suffer from bone spurs.

Kenny Rich, Woodland Hills


To the editor: It would be helpful if one of the contenders in Iowa would level with the voters and provide a civics lesson at the same time. “What I would do for healthcare” or “how I would pay for it” plays well on TV but obscures the process.


Here’s what they should tell voters instead: Elect me as president, vote Democratic majorities into the House, Senate and state legislatures, and we can pass the healthcare bill you want and need. Furthermore, with this majority we can pass a constitutional amendment making healthcare a right, preventing a future Republican administration from taking it away from you.

Models of healthcare systems are already in place, and most other industrialized nations have figured out how to pay for it. We don’t have to invent one from scratch.

Michael Krubiner, Valley Village
