
Letters to the Editor: Is Texas risking another COVID surge just to oppose Joe Biden?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks from a lectern.
Gov. Greg Abbott announces on Tuesday that Texas is lifting its mask mandate and restrictions on businesses.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: Does Republican cynicism know no limits? How far will Republicans go to thwart President’s Biden’s attempts to control the pandemic? How many lives will they put at risk? (“Texas and other states ease COVID-19 rules despite warnings,” March 2)

We have only to look at Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to lift his state’s mask mandate and allow business to return to 100% capacity. Despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s warnings, the stalling of the decline in new COVID-19 infections, the plateauing of deaths and Texas’ tepid vaccination effort, Abbott has decided to disregard proven public health measures.

This is not about pandemic fatigue, personal freedom or faith in individual responsibility. Rather, one can’t help but feel that Abbott’s decision is political — one more roadblock for Biden to confront. Clearly the decision taken in Texas will not stay confined to that state’s borders.


Marcy Sheinwold, Laguna Woods


To the editor: The will of the people trumps the opinions of scientists. And, our survival isn’t worth this assault on our liberties.

We’re entitled to a legislative voice in the lawmaking process. Yet, for the past year, governors and scientists have dictated laws. This is nothing short of tyranny.

Regardless of one’s opinion of a law, how can anyone be OK with not having a voice in its creation? If you want COVID-19 laws, pass them through the Legislature.


Lloyd Forrester, Simi Valley


To the editor: California should be thanking our governor here in Texas.

Our leaders ignored warnings that very cold weather could take down our power grid. This worked out so well for Texas that our governor just announced he’s doing something similar on COVID-19: Ignore the warnings from doctors and scientists and cancel our mask and other safety mandates.

Texas is unwittingly running an ad campaign that tells people, “Y’all come on down here, where we can’t guarantee electricity and water in cold weather.” Now, we’ve added this: “We’ve also improved your chances of catching COVID-19.”

What tourist or business would want to come to a state with no electricity, no water and no mask mandate? States like California that compete with us for business and tourism should be paying us for this.


Jack Bowen, Fort Worth
