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AT ISSUE: Earlier this month, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge

struck down Measure F (“Measure gets an F,” Dec. 2). Newport-Mesa

residents say the judge made the right decision in declaring the

initiative unconstitutional.

Judge James Otero made the correct decision about Measure F.

Obviously, it had been concocted by opponents of the El Toro airport

and listed undesirable developments along with the airport. I’m surprised

they didn’t list slaughterhouses and houses of prostitution.

The judge saw through their sham and declared Measure F




Judge James Otero’s decision to void Measure F was a giant step to

move the El Toro airport forward.

The tenor of the decision appears to leave little room for any

meaningful appeal by South County residents.

If I were a resident of Irvine, which wasted upward of $10 million to

support Measure F, I sure would be unhappy. I think the city got very

poor legal advice.

I think it is time to move ahead. The issues to resolve are size,

safety, future air traffic growth and economic benefits. These issues can

all be met.

The Federal Aviation Administration has given a preliminary safety OK;

the Orange County Board of Supervisors is ready for a downsizing of the

proposed El Toro airport to 12 million to 14 million annual passengers;

we know tremendous traffic growth is coming; and Orange County Business

Council studies show the great economic benefits.

My personal take is move the private aviation and air cargo to El

Toro. I do not see any problem in making night-time restrictions there

with this type of use.

We can expand John Wayne Airport to 10 million annual passengers

without the private planes and air cargo. When the time comes for more

commercial air traffic in Orange County, El Toro will be there.

This scenario would make John Wayne Airport safer, air cargo traffic

on our freeways would be reduced and we could reserve the El Toro airport

for future commercial needs.

Let’s be reasonable; the future of our great county depends on

cooperation by all sides.


Newport Beach

A note of thanks should be extended to all who “stayed the course”

after the passage of Measure F.

In politics -- like life -- you know who your friends are because they

stick with you during the difficult times.

Irvine Councilman Mike Ward recently admitted Measure F included jails

and hazardous waste landfills because the El Toro airport could not be

defeated alone. Judge James Otero agreed and ruled Measure F


To those who are prone to surrendering at the first sign of trouble,

have a little faith.

El Toro airport can be developed with far less of an impact than is

now being experienced by Newport-Mesa residents, who live with 140 daily

flights from John Wayne Airport.


Newport Coast

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Ellis is a consultant for the Airport Working Group,

a Newport Beach organization that is fighting against expanding John

Wayne Airport and supports building a second county airfield at the

former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

Now that fatally flawed Measure F has been killed, Orange County can

begin flights at El Toro.

The county will have to spend millions -- maybe billions -- of dollars

to inform citizens about the two-airport system.

John Wayne Airport has 120 homes in the noise zone. The proposed El

Toro airport has none. There is no equity.

Every day, hundreds of people suffer because of John Wayne Airport.

New airlines are clamoring to get into Orange County, but the number of

flights at John Wayne must shrink to reduce the suffering. It’s the

neighborly thing to do.


Newport Beach
