
No on wrong picture of Marinapark resort...

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No on wrong picture of Marinapark resort plan

The “Yes on L” campaign is full of distorted facts,

misinformation, half-truths, and in some cases, outright false


The campaign mailer claims “no significant new traffic.” However,

the analysis by the Newport Beach city attorney presented in the

sample ballot states that the proposed project will include “a

110-guest unit luxury resort ... A pier and float would be installed

adjacent to the American Legion marina and 200 on-site parking spaces

[to] serve guests and employees.” This would replace the existing

Marinapark, “developed with 56 mobile homes, four tennis courts and

other recreational facilities, a community center and 21 parking


If the project is to develop no new traffic, who is going to use

the 200 on-site parking spaces for guests and employees? Perhaps they

are planning to have their guests parachute into the resort as their

plane flies into John Wayne Airport, or have all of their employees

meet in a parking lot in south Santa Ana or north Costa Mesa and be

transported in by buses, or bring in needed food and supplies for the

“luxury resort” by way of barges loaded from trucks parked on the

Coast Highway Bridge and towed across the bay to the resort pier.

The campaign mailer also contains misleading pictures and

statements about boat-storage facilities and trailers loaded with jet

skis in an attempt to frighten voters. This tactic is deliberately

misleading in that the measure is only about amending two elements of

the current Newport Beach general plan. As stated in the analysis: “A

‘no’ vote means the language in the Land Use Element and the

Recreation and Open Space Element would not change.” A ‘no’ vote says

nothing about future plans for this area. Why have a general plan if

it is to be changed every time a developer comes in with a pet

project that supposedly provides additional funds for the city at the

expense of residents and visitors?

Our mayor, a majority of the City Council and the appointed

planning commissioners seem more concerned with projects that would

generate funds they can spend than with the welfare of the residents

and visitors to Newport Beach or the inconveniences, difficulties,

additional expenses and hardship that their pet projects create.

A note to those running for a position on the City Council: We

will only vote for those candidates who specifically state that they

oppose Measure L.


Newport Beach

Ban on beach smoking lights a common-sense fire

Re: “Smoking ban takes effect on city sand,” Oct. 15. That’s one

more freedom taken away in beautiful Newport Beach!

In the opening paragraph of the Pilot article, it states: “The sun

was high and bright Thursday afternoon and one of the only things

marring the beauty of the shore was a scattering of cigarette butts

in the sand.” What about all the other garbage that is left on the

beach? What about 300 decals saying, “No smoking”? I think that is

much more offensive and degrading than cigarette butts!

Talk about disgusting comments: “The cigarettes get washed into

the ocean, and then the fish eat them, and we eat the fish ... If you

think about that, that’s kind of disgusting.” Is the school’s Earth

Resource Club going to put the fish on a special diet?

I think the City Council needs to have a citation of $500 for

imposing such a law! Please let us live and enjoy ourselves and our

beaches and community without such ridiculous laws. Where has common

sense, consideration and respect for one another gone? Don’t you

think you have gone over the top?


Newport Beach

Church expansion a worthy addition to the community

This message is to show our family’s support of the expansion

plans of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church as a definite positive

addition to our community.


Newport Beach

Another with a few words to show church support

Re: The proposed expansion of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. I

strongly support St. Andrew’s and have for 40 years.


Newport Beach
