
Memories of Christmases past

The merry family gatherings --

The old, the very young;

The strangely lovely way they

Harmonize in carols sung.

For Christmas is tradition time

Traditions that recall

The precious memories down the years,

The sameness of them all.


Tomorrow is Christmas.

That thought will make some of you sigh; others of you will go into overdrive. Many of you are taking one last deep breath before heading out onto busy roads to drive to even busier stores to buy even more things to then rush home and race around wrapping, packing, cleaning, baking and trying to accomplish all the other assorted things you thought you’d have finished days ago.

Each of us has a list of all we hope to do to be prepared for Christmas, but few of us remember to prepare our hearts.

Tomorrow is Christmas, and many of us are convinced that the only way we can enjoy the day is to check off as many things as possible from our to-do lists, and that is why we are probably exceeding the speed limits on the roads and in our homes.


When I think back to Christmases in the past, I don’t remember things that were accomplished, I remember special times that were shared. Many of the times that stand out in my mind happened around the dinner table. I know that I always loved the meals, but the discussions were far more meaningful and memorable. I especially enjoyed it when my grandparents or parents talked about their childhoods or shared about Christmas traditions they enjoyed when they were young.

It seemed that each generation always enjoyed the tradition of singing Christmas carols, and I have always loved continuing that tradition.

One of my favorite memories was when my grandfather, who we called Pop, sang a solo each Christmas night after dinner. He sat in his favorite wing-backed chair and sang “Silent Night” in German.

Even when his voice grew shakier with age, it sounded perfect to me. I think of Pop every Christmas and wish he were here to sing for us again.

Singing Christmas Carols is one of my favorite Christmas traditions, for the continuity of the generations, and also for the messages in the well-known songs. I think “Joy to the World” is one of my favorites, but this year, I’ve found myself repeatedly singing an upbeat song that reminds me of the great news we have to tell everywhere. Read it, sing it, and enjoy.

Go tell it on the mountain,

Over the hills and everywhere;

Go tell it on the mountain,

That Jesus Christ is born.

While shepherds kept their watching

O’er silent flocks by night,

Behold, throughout the heavens

There shone a holy light.

The shepherds feared and trembled

When, lo! About the earth

Rang out the angel chorus

That hailed our Savior’s birth.

Down in a lowly manger

The humble Christ was born,

And brought us God’s salvation

That blessed Christmas morn.

Tomorrow is Christmas. May you enjoy the peace, love and hope of God that came into being that first Christmas morn.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive, Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

