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Great idea! Tell people who wish to avoid construction and traffic on Coast Highway to take a detour on Superior Avenue to 17th Street (“Road Work Ahead,” April 3).

Aside from being a 2-mile detour through Costa Mesa’s worst traffic area, Superior is also under construction, reduced at times to single lanes, and all backed up as well.

Maybe we should all just stay in our homes and never go out.


Newport Beach

Meaning is good, delivery is poor

Recent articles and letters-to-the-editor have put on display the grammar failings of Newport-Mesa residents.


I am certain that Bill Turner in his letter (“County unity crucial to success in air travel,” March 23) did not mean to bring servility to the arguments on the air transport needs of OC.

Certainly he meant civility, a healthy basting of which would serve the argument well. That said, I’m in full support of the opinions in Turner’s letter: The two main runways at El Toro are intact and should be maintained in this manner, especially for emergency and general use. The Great Park idea, which has not come to fruition, needs dramatic reconstruction to the benefit of the entire county.

Other writers confuse regimen (a regulated course or schedule) with regime (the government in Washington, D.C.).

What can I say? I’m, like, aghast, like, you know, aghast if this is where it’s at


 Newport Beach

Amused, but slightly confused by article

I loved the article by Dr. Michael Glueck (“Fill your gas tank and stomach with Matzoh,” April 1) but being April Fool’s Day is this a joke? It’s very funny.

Peggy Marotta

Newport Beach
