
Cook criticizes Abramoff ties

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher should do less apologizing for Jack Abramoff and offer more criticism of his friend, the disgraced Washington lobbyist who was sentenced to four more years in prison Thursday, according to Rohrabacher’s Democratic rival for Congress, Debbie Cook.

“You would hope your friends would help keep you out of trouble and keep you from avoiding the errors of judgment Abramoff made, and I don’t know that Dana has ever done that. He has just defended him,” Cook said.

Abramoff, who is a longtime friend of Rohrabacher, was sentenced after admitting to paying for expensive vacations and sports tickets for politicians who did him favors.


Rohrabacher’s continued defense of Abramoff fuels public cynicism in government, Cook said.

“We have a lot to do to heal the wounds people have with their lack of trust in government,” the Democrat said.

Cook, as Huntington Beach mayor, said she is sensitive to that issue because the city has been rocked by public corruption scandals, including the conviction of former Mayor Pam Houchen and several others in a scam to illegally convert Huntington Beach apartments into condos.

Cook’s campaign has criticized Rohrabacher for his closeness with Abramoff, highlighting Abramoff-organized trips that the congressman took in a list it calls Rohrabacher’s “greatest hits.” According to Cook, the friendship was not in itself a problem, but Rohrabacher’s defense of Abramoff is counterproductive.

“Congressman Rohrabacher has never been officially accused or charged with wrongdoing in relation to Jack Abramoff,” said Rohrabacher spokeswoman Tara Setmayer.

Efforts to reach Rohrabacher were unsuccessful, but his staff released this statement:

“Jack remains a dear friend whose good side has been eclipsed by his wrongdoing. However, it is clear Jack made bad decisions and is now paying the price. I wish the best for Jack and his family during this difficult time and hope they are able to start a new life upon completion of his sentence.”

Earlier this year Rohrabacher filmed a segment for a documentary on Abramoff, in which he discusses their friendship.

ALAN BLANK may be reached at (714) 966-4623 or at
