
Expo goes green

Worried about high oil prices, or maybe rising temperatures? Or are you just trying to cut down on your consumption, or add solar panels to your roof?

At the Huntington Beach Green Expo this weekend, there will be plenty of ways to find out more. The city economic development department and the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce are holding an event Saturday with more than 70 vendors and speakers every half hour, all ready to talk about how to live and do business a little greener.

Representatives of the city and the Chamber of Commerce have been meeting all year to put together the event, said city spokeswoman Laurie Payne, who sat in on committee meetings.


“This is just a good opportunity for people to come out and look at all of the different things that are available to help you go green or live more environmentally consciously,” Payne said.

The idea started with a chamber member who was converting her home to a more environmentally friendly design, and was quickly championed by the city as well, said chamber President Joyce Riddell.

“We are very excited for this first-time effort,” she said. “We’ve been getting calls even in the last couple of days from vendors who want to participate, but we’ve had to turn them away. I think it’s going to be a great day.”

Speakers at the event will talk on subjects such as drought-tolerant landscaping, solar power, “Greening Your Business” and even a Golden West College-planned talk on green careers.

Mayor Debbie Cook, who has long been involved in conservation and environmental issues, worked on the committee that planned the event. “We have a wonderful collaboration between the community and the chamber and the city,” Cook said. “A broad range of interests have come together for what’s really going to be a wonderful event.”

Payne finished with a tip for visitors: Park in the Huntington Beach Sports Complex because the library parking lot will be partially taken up.

The city’s local businesses will be well represented at the expo, Riddell said.

“Knowing the names, I’d say most of them are from Huntington Beach, especially the small companies,” she said.

The Huntington Beach Green Expo is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave.

For more information, go to or

MICHAEL ALEXANDER may be reached at (714) 966-4618 or at
