
Reports of BCS’ death exaggerated

It finally happened — change you can almost believe in.

College football announced in June, after 144 years of pushing away the playoff porridge, that shouting matches were an insufficient way to pick a national champion. It was decided that a selection committee is the answer.

Who knew an idea so brilliant was sitting there for more than a century?

College football is hailing its progress as a “playoff,” yet it involves only four teams and three of those will probably hail from the Southeastern Conference.

Fear not, a panel of experts superior to those on “America’s Got Talent” will do due diligence in carefully choosing the Chosen Four.

Outlier programs such as Houston, Hawaii or Akron will be free to slip their resumes under the meeting-room door while they are delivering room service. Media members may be allowed in to monitor the equity and fairness of the nitpicking process.

What detail has not been carefully thought out, or through?

The Bowl Championship Series, evil incarnate since 1998, when it tried to ruin the sport by matching the top two teams in a title game, is an epitaph. The Wicked Witches of the Big West, Big East, Southeastern and Pac-12 North are melted broomsticks.

Never again will the football world be chop-blocked by a Harris Poll voter asleep at his switch, or the computer rankings programmer protecting his formula as if it had been hatched at Los Alamos.

Just think: no more rat traps like the Rose Bowl hosting, in prime time, national title games.

This is all fine and Vandy except for a terrible truth: The BCS isn’t dead yet.


The new “playoff” will not be enacted until the 2014 season. That means two more years of the BCS.

Imagine a surgeon being allowed to practice two years after the AMA barred him for botching amputations.

But, you know, a contract is a contract.

Alabama, without winning its division last year, took home the Waterford trophy, which was accidentally — and prophetically — knocked over and smashed during the spring.

The Orange Bowl will stage its game this season and the national title game, with the Rose Bowl double-hosting in the 2013 season.

Mark the last game of the BCS era: Jan. 7, 2014, one more time in the Arroyo Seco, just for old times’ sake.

Then, take a look around, because the Rose Bowl probably won’t host another.

Think of the zaniness two more years of the BCS might offer. How about another five-alarm controversy?

Maybe USC and Oklahoma can end up statistically tied for No. 2 in the BCS standings and the spot will have to be decided by a game of rock-paper-scissors.

Maybe another SEC team will win the national title without winning its division.

Maybe a senator will threaten a filibuster if his alma mater is snubbed from a major bowl.

Most important: There’s still time for someone to threaten a lawsuit.
