
Looking for a rush, traveler? aims to deliver

Looking for extreme sport and travel adventures that give you a rush?


What it does: The website is a source for air, land, water, snow, urban and crazy adventures around the globe.

What’s hot: Thrill-seekers don’t have time to sift through all the options offered by most general-activity-focused travel websites. I like this site’s niche focus: It points you in the direction of “Our Top Spots,” “Our Sports,” which are the best adrenaline-packed activities in each of its sports, and “Adrenaline Hunters Top 6,” which are its favorites and include canoe surfing lessons in St. Martin, paragliding over Lake Annecy in France and scuba diving in Lesbos, Greece.


What’s not: When I first searched for paddleboarding in California, nothing came up. Was it because I was looking it up on a dated iPhone 6 Plus? Maybe not. The website is still in beta, so I’m sure those search results will be updated before long.
