
Millennials, take your first trip abroad with Contiki and get a passport for free

Contiki believes millennials should travel abroad more. That’s why the tour company is offering to pay the cost of a new passport for America’s millennials, provided they take one of Contiki’s international trips.

The deal: The passport offer is good for the first 100 travelers who respond. You have to be between 18 and 35 and be a first-time applicant. You also must book a Contiki trip to Europe, Latin America, Canada, Asia, Australia or New Zealand for seven days or more.

An example: I found availability for an eight-day trip to Italy that stops in Venice, Rome, Florence, Pisa and Verona starting at $875 per person. It includes lodgings, nine meals, a tour guide and ground transportation; airfare is extra.


How to get the free passport: Book your Contiki trip, call the company and tell it you are a first-time passport applicant, and $135 will be deducted from your trip cost. (This doesn’t work for renewals.)

When: The offer is based on availability.

Details: The U.S. passport you get with this offer will last a decade.

Info: Contiki’s Travel Creates You, (866) 266-8454

