
Compressible cubes? A leader in the pack

Special to the Los Angeles Times

Kiva’s Compressible Packing Cubes are nylon cloth bags with breathable mesh top panels that are designed to keep the contents from getting that stale smell you often encounter with the self-zipping compressible plastic packing bags.

Just stack your stuff in the bag, zip it up, then zip up the compressing secondary zipper while pressing down on the contents.

Shirts will compress more than shoes, but you will get a slimmer bag that can then be packed into a carry-on or check-through piece.


The compressible cubes are sold in sets of three: one 15-by-11.5-by-5-inch-deep bag, and two bags measuring 11.5 by 7.75 by 5 inches deep.

Set of three Compression Packing Cubes (item 90570) from TravelSmith costs $25. Info: (800) 770-3387.
