
Travel: Letters

Madeline King Porter’s comprehensive piece on Ojai [“A Prize Inside!” Feb. 6] neglected to mention the Made in Ojai store at 323 E. Matilija St. in the heart of downtown. This store carries only items made in Ojai and is staffed by the artists. The store carries art, jewelry, books, calendars, cards, music CDs and many other items. The selection is large, and the prices are excellent. Next door is Java & Joe, the well-known-to-locals coffee stop.

Ernest Salomon

Santa Barbara

Regarding “Can I Kindle?” by Catharine Hamm [On the Spot, Feb. 6]: Not everyone wants to buy a book to read once; many would like to borrow it from the library and use it on their e-readers. After the time is up, the book returns to the system without the reader having to do anything.

It is a disservice to the public to cut the public library out of the discussion about downloading digital content. You help to perpetuate the idea that all digital downloads cost people money.


Libraries continue to be the best source of free, quality information in our society. As people who work in print and digital media, you might consider giving it the same publicity you give to things people have to pay for.

Laurie Allen


Cuesta College

San Luis Obispo

I’m glad a travel writer has finally begun to deal with the noxious issue of the latest security precautions [“Dreading a Pat-Down,” On the Spot, Jan. 30]. However, I was dismayed that Hamm’s approach reflects the offensively intrusive TSA, its so-called policies and its undisciplined agents. When was the last time you can recall anyone individually protesting effectively to the supervisor of any governmental agent — and having the outcome support your justified position?

A more thoughtful answer would be to urge that we organize with other passengers and interested citizens to collectively protest — and possibly sue — for a more constitutional approach to the safety and ease of air travel. Only through collective action can we begin to see our government promote the enhancement of a sense of individual respect rather than suffer this program of instilling fear. How shameful is it that Egyptians are willing to place their lives and livelihoods on the line for their liberty while we Americans are cowed into giving up our rights to our constitutional presumption of innocence and personal privacy.


Alan Myerson

Culver City
