
Best parking garage in Europe? And the winner is ...

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

Add this stop to your next walking or driving tour of Helsinki, Finland: Europe’s No. 1 parking garage.

Stockmann Q-Park in the Finnish capital snagged the top award from the European Parking Assn. The parking area has 600 spaces on three levels and was built as deep as 125 feet beneath Stockmann, the city’s landmark shopping center.

What makes this parking garage top dog? Tunnels that take drivers off city streets and into the car park, heated ramps that discourage icy build up, charging stations for electric cars (which park for free), a ramp featuring original artwork and other engineering feats that likely account for the accolade.


It’s not cheap. It costs 36 euros (about $49) to park all day or one euro ($1.36) for every 12 minutes between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Which makes me wonder what L.A.’s top parking garage would be. Any thoughts?
