
California: Silverado offers sports camp for kids

Here’s a vacation that can keep two generations happy: a stay in California’s Napa Valley wine region combined with a daily sports program for teens and pre-teens. The 1,200-acre Silverado Resort & Spa, 50 miles northeast of San Francisco, includes two 18-hole PGA championship golf courses, 13 tennis courts, swimming pools, a spa, a restaurant, an 1870s mansion and more.

In the summer, the resort offers a four-day Silverado Golf Tennis Swim Camp for ages 11 to 16, at all skill levels. Participants learn the finer points of swatting a tennis ball and lining up a putt and also take part in supervised pool activities. The golf emphasis isn’t a coincidence; the resort is co-owned by Johnny Miller, World Golf Hall of Fame member and lead golf analyst for NBC Sports.

Dates: July 8-11 and 22-25.

Price: $325 a person. It includes classes, supervision and taxes. It does not include golf or tennis equipment, lunch or accommodations. (Rental golf clubs are available at extra cost.) Room rates, which fluctuate by demand, start at $319 for a one-bedroom suite; a daily resort fee of $20 is added to the rate.


Info: Silverado Resort & Spa, (707) 257-0200

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