
Paying for Route 78

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California 78 currently functions quite well as a main artery between Escondido and Oceanside. Many people believe that Highway 78 needs to be widened to accommodate the increased traffic flow that will be generated because of the rapid growth in North County. Let’s repeat that the rapid growth that is taking place is creating a need for Highway 78 to be widened.

So who should pay to have this done? The residents who currently live in North County? The taxpayer dollars generated by the current residents of North County? Neither of these solutions seems fair.

How about having the people who are building the new homes pay to have Highway 78 widened? Have each new homebuilder put $1,000 for each new home built in Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos and Escondido into a trust fund specifically for the widening of Highway 78. That seems to be a reasonable cause-and-effect solution.


Now, who is going to pay for the new city streets and schools that are going to be needed because of the rapid growth in North County? Who is going to pay for the increased maintenance of the old roads and schools, the increased cost of police and fire service, the increase in the cost of city services?



