
INS Director’s Views and Credibility

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Immigration and Naturalization Service Director Harold Ezell’s ingenuousness, ignorance and overall lack of information was clearly evidenced by his own (mis)statements reported in The Times (Sept. 26).

Especially interesting was Ezell’s defensiveness when asked about his own background and qualifications to hold his government post. Yet, instead of answering the question, he impugns our President by replying, “If your logic holds true, then Ronald Reagan shouldn’t be President.” Fortunately, The Times’ article points out Ezell’s lack of government experience, his mere two years of college and his 11-year association with Wienerschnitzel.

Although I am a Democrat and rarely, if ever, agree with President Reagan’s viewpoints, I am angered by Ezell’s attempt to misrepresent our President. This misstatement infers that both the President and Ezell are in the same boat. Nothing could be further from the truth! Our President has a bachelor’s degree in economics and gained many years of valuable experience while serving as our governor in California.


Ezell has lost credibility. If he misrepresents Ronald Reagan, what won’t he say about immigration and “illegal” aliens if it suits his needs.

Ezell should go back to what he does best, peddling his weenies.


