
Chip Carter Plans Fund-Raiser for Kennedy, Hopes to Mend Rift

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United Press International

Chip Carter, son of former President Jimmy Carter, said Friday he hopes a fund-raiser he is throwing for congressional hopeful Joseph Kennedy will end a longstanding feud between their families.

The rift between the Kennedys and Carters has lasted six years, since the 1980 Democratic presidential primary that pitted Carter’s father against Kennedy’s uncle, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts.

“We’re trying to put the feud behind us,” Carter said. “The Democratic Party has got to get together to win elections.”


Carter said the family feud might end when he and Kennedy meet at the July 22 fund-raiser in Atlanta. He said he and several other young Georgia Democrats hope to raise $20,000 to help Kennedy’s campaign in Massachusetts. Tickets cost $100 each.

Kennedy, son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of New York, is running for the seat being vacated by House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill Jr.
