
69% of Secretaries Find Hall Acted Improperly

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From a Times Staff Writer

In a sampling of the nation’s secretaries at a convention in Los Angeles, a majority judged fellow secretary Fawn Hall to have acted improperly in destroying government documents on orders from her boss.

A total of 69% of the 120 secretaries responding to the written survey by the Office Professional magazine answered “yes” to the question: “In your opinion, did Fawn Hall, secretary to Lt. Col. Oliver North, do anything improper in the conduct of her job?”

And 95% answered “yes” to a second question: “Is a secretary ever supposed to call ethical issues to the attention of the executive for whom he or she works?”


In written comments, many of the secretaries said they sympathized with Hall and admired her for refusing to exploit her fame for personal profit. A majority, however, said they would have acted differently had they been North’s secretary.
