
Poll of Catholics

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The contradictory opinions of Catholics polled in The Times survey indicate a critical ignorance on the part of those who claim to support the popularity of John Paul II and at the same time dispute his infallibility in the proclamation of dogma.

One cannot be a practicing Catholic and discard the doctrine of the infallibility of the successor to St. Peter, our first Pope, as pronounced by the Vatican Council held in Rome in 1869-1870, delegating to the Popes the privilege and obligation to set forth rules by which Catholics must adhere in the matter of faith and morals.

Catholics who do not believe in the doctrine of infallibility (according to The Times poll, a scandalous 45% didn’t know if they did or did not) no more represent the church than Lt. Col. Oliver North and his cohorts represent the government of the United States!


Canon law, like civil law, is not always popular but without benevolent guidelines, society would cease to exist.


Blue Jay, Calif.
