
U.S. Cites Gulf ‘Threat,’ Blocks Sale of Scuba Gear to Iran

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Associated Press

The Reagan Administration moved Friday to block the shipment of U.S.-made scuba gear and other diving equipment to Iran, suggesting that the devices pose a “direct threat” to shipping in the Persian Gulf.

The action was taken not in the form of a formal ban, but by subjecting the export of these items to strict license application requirements. “These applications generally will be denied,” the agency said.

Acting Commerce Secretary Bruce Smart said President Reagan made the decision Wednesday and that key members of Congress had been notified.


In a statement, Smart said that Reagan determined “that these exports pose a direct threat to U.S.-flag ships and naval vessels as well as ships of other nations in the Persian Gulf and to oil facilities of friendly nations.”

Since 1984, the government has barred the export to Iran of goods that could be used by the military.

Friday’s action adds a wide variety of diving equipment, devices that could be used in mine-laying activities, to the list.
